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Transportation Authorities - Puerto Rico


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  DateDocument Type Title Issuer/Entity
04 Aug 2021 Rating Action Moody's takes various rating actions in conjunction with the publication of the updated higher education methodology A.T. Still Univ...
Abilene Christi...
Adams County Ge...
Adams County In...
Adams State Uni...
Admin. of the T...
Alabama Communi...
Alabama State B...
Alabama State U...
Alamo Community...
20 Jul 2021 Rating Action Moody's withdraws Puerto Rico's general obligation and related ratings for business reasons AFICA
Puerto Rico (Co...
Puerto Rico Aqu...
Puerto Rico Con...
Puerto Rico Ele...
Puerto Rico Emp...
Puerto Rico Hwy...
Puerto Rico Ind...
Puerto Rico Inf...
Puerto Rico Inf...
29 Mar 2021 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of Puerto Rico (Commonwealth of) Puerto Rico (Co...
Puerto Rico Aqu...
Puerto Rico Con...
Puerto Rico Emp...
Puerto Rico Hwy...
Puerto Rico Ind...
Puerto Rico Inf...
Puerto Rico Mun...
Puerto Rico Pub...
Puerto Rico Pub...
17 Dec 2020 Issuer Comment Puerto Rico (Commonwealth of): PRASA refunding does little to improve credit quality of its outstanding revenue bonds Puerto Rico (Commonwealth of)
20 Nov 2020 Issuer Comment Puerto Rico (Commonwealth of): US Supreme Court deals a blow to pension bondholders' recovery prospects Puerto Rico (Co...
Puerto Rico Emp...
04 Nov 2020 Issuer Comment Puerto Rico (Commonwealth of): Voters take step to become 51st state, providing an opportunity to gain federal funding Puerto Rico (Commonwealth of)
23 Oct 2020 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of Puerto Rico (Commonwealth of) Puerto Rico (Co...
Puerto Rico Aqu...
Puerto Rico Con...
Puerto Rico Emp...
Puerto Rico Hwy...
Puerto Rico Ind...
Puerto Rico Inf...
Puerto Rico Mun...
Puerto Rico Pub...
Puerto Rico Pub...
23 Sep 2020 Issuer Comment Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority : Approval of $12.8 billion in FEMA funds is credit positive Puerto Rico (Co...
Puerto Rico Ele...
28 May 2020 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of Puerto Rico (Commonwealth of) Puerto Rico (Co...
Puerto Rico Aqu...
Puerto Rico Con...
Puerto Rico Emp...
Puerto Rico Hwy...
Puerto Rico Ind...
Puerto Rico Inf...
Puerto Rico Mun...
Puerto Rico Pub...
Puerto Rico Pub...
21 Jan 2020 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of Puerto Rico (Commonwealth of) Puerto Rico (Co...
Puerto Rico Aqu...
Puerto Rico Con...
Puerto Rico Emp...
Puerto Rico Hwy...
Puerto Rico Ind...
Puerto Rico Inf...
Puerto Rico Mun...
Puerto Rico Pub...
Puerto Rico Pub...
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